Information on Mortages, Calculators, Current Market Conditions

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

🏡🏡The 2023 Spring Real Estate Market for Harrison, NY

🏡🏡The Real Estate Market for Harrison, NY Spring 2023! 


In this blog post, we will delve into the current state of the real estate market in Harrison, NY. Based on data from April 2023, RealtorTom has provided valuable insights to help potential homebuyers and sellers gauge the market conditions accurately. By analyzing key metrics such as unit sales, median sale price, inventory, days on market, months of supply, and median sale price per square foot, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the Harrison real estate market.

Unit Sales:

In April 2023, there were 7 unit sales of single-family homes, condos, and co-ops in Harrison, NY. This number remained unchanged compared to the same period in the previous year, indicating a stable level of sales activity.

Median Sale Price:

The median sale price for properties in Harrison witnessed a significant increase, reaching $1,699,455 in April 2023. This represents a notable surge of 21.4% compared to the same month in 2022. The upward trend in median sale price suggests a strong demand for real estate in Harrison, indicating a favorable market for sellers.


The number of available properties for sale in Harrison experienced a substantial decline. In April 2023, there were 44 properties on the market, marking a significant decrease of 42.1% compared to April 2022. This decline in inventory indicates a decrease in the number of options for buyers, potentially leading to a more competitive market.

Days on Market:

The average number of days a property spent on the market decreased in April 2023. Properties in Harrison stayed on the market for an average of 66 days, indicating a decrease of 22.4% compared to the same period last year. This suggests that properties are selling more quickly, reflecting a strong demand and a favorable market for sellers.

Months of Supply:

The months of supply metric measures the theoretical number of months it would take to sell all the current inventory of homes at the current sales pace. In April 2023, the months of supply in Harrison stood at 3.47, indicating a decrease of 19.6% compared to April 2022. A lower months of supply value typically signifies a seller's market, where demand exceeds supply.

Median Sale Price per Square Foot:

The median sale price per square foot is a useful indicator for comparing property values. In April 2023, the median sale price per square foot in Harrison rose to $417, representing a substantial increase of 26.3% compared to the same period in the previous year. This rise suggests that properties are commanding higher prices, further emphasizing the strong market conditions for sellers.


The real estate market in Harrison, NY, based on data from April 2023, exhibits several notable trends. The market is experiencing stable unit sales, with no change compared to the previous year. However, the median sale price has surged by 21.4%, indicating a robust demand for properties. Decreasing inventory, shorter days on market, and a decline in months of supply suggest a market favoring sellers. Additionally, the median sale price per square foot has seen a significant increase, further illustrating the positive market conditions for sellers.

If you are considering buying or selling a property in Harrison, NY, it is essential to take these market dynamics into account. Consulting with a reputable local real estate agent can provide you with tailored advice and expertise to navigate the current market conditions successfully.

🏡🏡Exploring the Scarsdale, NY Real Estate Market: April 2023 Analysis

 🏡🏡The Spring Real Estate Market 2023 for Scarsdale, NY


The real estate market in Scarsdale, NY has been experiencing significant changes, presenting both challenges and opportunities for buyers, sellers, and investors. By examining the latest data from April 2023 and comparing it with the figures from April 2022, we can gain valuable insights into the current state of the Scarsdale housing market. In this blog post, we will analyze key indicators such as single-family homes, condos, and co-ops, focusing on unit sales, median sale prices, inventory levels, days on market, months of supply, and median sale price per square foot.

Single-Family Homes Market:

Unit Sales: In April 2023, the number of single-family homes sold in Scarsdale was only 4, which represented a significant decline of 83.3% compared to April 2022. This drop indicates a slowdown in buyer activity in the current market.

Median Sale Price: Despite the decrease in unit sales, the median sale price for single-family homes in April 2023 rose by 0.9% compared to the same period last year, reaching $1,650,000. This slight increase suggests that the demand for high-end properties remains relatively stable.

Inventory: The inventory of single-family homes in Scarsdale stood at 50 units in April 2023, reflecting a substantial decrease of 41.9% compared to April 2022. This decline in inventory indicates a limited supply of available properties on the market, potentially driving up prices.

Days on Market: The average number of days that single-family homes spent on the market increased by 45.9% in April 2023, reaching 54 days. This longer time frame suggests a slightly slower pace of sales and may indicate increased competition among sellers.

Months of Supply: The months of supply metric, which measures how long it would take to sell all the current inventory at the current sales pace, decreased by 28.9% compared to April 2022, standing at 2.34 months. This decrease indicates a seller's market, as the supply is relatively limited compared to buyer demand.

Median Sale Price per Square Foot: The median sale price per square foot for single-family homes in Scarsdale was $501 in April 2023, showing a decrease of 10.9% compared to April 2022. This decline suggests a slight softening in property values.

Condo Market:

Unit Sales: Surprisingly, there were no condo unit sales in Scarsdale in April 2023, marking a considerable contrast to the same period in the previous year.

Median Sale Price: Due to the absence of sales, the median sale price for condos in April 2023 was $0, maintaining a similar trend to April 2022.

Inventory: The inventory of condos decreased significantly by 66.7% in April 2023 compared to the previous year, with only 2 units available. This decline in inventory might be a result of reduced construction activity or increased demand for condos in the area.

Days on Market: Condos in Scarsdale had an average of 0 days on the market in April 2023, suggesting a swift sales process when units are available.

Months of Supply: The months of supply for condos decreased by 55.6% in April 2023, reaching 8.00 months. Despite the limited inventory, the number of months of supply indicates that the condo market is still relatively balanced between buyers and sellers.

Median Sale Price per Square Foot: Due to the absence of sales, the median sale is 0

For the most updated information on the Real Estate Market in Scarsdale, NY click here.

🏡🏡The City of Rye, NY Real Estate Market: A Review of April 2023 Data

 The City of Rye, NY Real Estate Market: A Review of April 2023 Data


The City of Rye, New York, has long been a sought-after location for homeowners looking for a picturesque suburban setting near New York City. As we delve into the real estate market data for April 2023, we gain valuable insights into the current trends and changes in the housing market. This analysis focuses on single-family homes, condos, and co-ops, shedding light on unit sales, median sale prices, inventory levels, days on market, months of supply, and median sale price per square foot.

Single-Family Homes: 8 Homes

The single-family home segment experienced a notable decline in unit sales, with only 8 homes sold in April 2023, representing a significant drop of 52.9% compared to the same month in 2022. Additionally, the median sale price for single-family homes stood at $1,685,000, down 19.8% from April 2022. The inventory of single-family homes decreased by 52.9%, indicating a limited selection for buyers. Days on market increased by a staggering 175.0%, reaching 55 days, while the months of supply decreased by 48.3% to 1.78. The median sale price per square foot also experienced a slight decrease of 2.1%, resting at $670.

Condos: 2 Units

The condo market in Rye faced a significant decline in unit sales, with only 2 condos sold in April 2023, representing a steep drop of 66.7% compared to the same month in the previous year. The median sale price for condos was $971,250, down 47.1% from April 2022. The inventory of condos decreased by 30.0%, indicating a limited supply of available units. Days on market increased by 60.6%, reaching 53 days, while the months of supply increased by 146.4% to 3.36. Interestingly, the median sale price per square foot experienced an increase of 8.0%, reaching $827.

Co-ops: 1 Unit

Co-op sales in April 2023 also witnessed a decline, with only 1 unit sold, representing a decrease of 50.0% compared to April 2022. The median sale price for co-ops was $320,000, down 52.9% from the previous year. However, the inventory of co-ops increased by 57.1%, indicating a broader range of options for potential buyers. Days on market also experienced a substantial increase of 121.0%, reaching 137 days. The months of supply increased by 47.0% to 4.26. The median sale price per square foot for co-ops decreased by 17.9%, resting at $317.

Market Analysis:

The April 2023 data indicates that the City of Rye, NY, experienced a challenging real estate market compared to the same period in 2022. The decline in unit sales across all property types suggests a general slowdown in the market. However, it is important to note that the sample size for condo and co-op sales is smaller compared to single-family homes, which may lead to more significant fluctuations in the data.

The decrease in median sale prices for single-family homes, condos, and co-ops can be attributed to various factors, such as changes in buyer preferences, economic conditions, or fluctuations in the local housing market. Additionally, the increased days on market for single-family homes, condos, and co-ops indicate a longer period for properties to sell, possibly indicating increased buyer caution or a more competitive market.


If you would like to see the market data report click herre

🏡🏡 Pelham NY Real Estate Market: April 2023 Overview

🏡🏡 Real Estate Market for Pelham, NY


The Pelham real estate market in April 2023 witnessed some notable trends and changes compared to the previous year. Single-family homes, condos, and co-ops all experienced shifts in unit sales, median sale prices, inventory levels, and days on the market. In this blog post, we will delve into the data for each property type and analyze the key takeaways from the April 2023 statistics.

Single-Family Homes:

Unit Sales: 2

In April 2023, the number of unit sales for single-family homes in Pelham, NY, dropped to 2, representing a significant decrease of 77.8% compared to the same month in 2022. This decline in sales volume indicates a potential slowdown in the market.

Median Sale Price: $1,012,500

Despite the decrease in unit sales, the median sale price for single-family homes rose by 3.7% to reach $1,012,500 in April 2023. This suggests that the demand for single-family homes remains relatively strong, leading to an increase in prices.

Inventory: 17 Single Family Homes

The inventory for single-family homes in Pelham decreased to 17 properties, marking a decline of 41.4% compared to April 2022. The reduced inventory indicates a tighter market, which can contribute to increased competition among buyers.

Days on Market: 17 Days on Market

The average number of days on the market for single-family homes in April 2023 decreased by 10.5% to 17 days. This indicates that homes are selling more quickly compared to the previous year, suggesting strong buyer interest.

Months of Supply: 1.94 Months

The months of supply for single-family homes dropped by 21.3% to 1.94 months in April 2023. This decrease suggests a seller's market, where the demand for homes outpaces the available supply.

Median Sale Price/SF: $470

The median sale price per square foot for single-family homes increased by 10.7% to $470 in April 2023. This rise in price per square foot indicates appreciation in property values.

Pelham Condos:

Unit Sales: 1 Units

In April 2023, only one condo unit was sold in Pelham, NY, compared to no sales in the same month of the previous year. This limited activity suggests a slow market for condos.

Median Sale Price: $448,000

The median sale price for condos in April 2023 was $448,000. Unfortunately, we do not have data for the previous year to compare the change in median sale price.

Inventory: 1 Units Available

The inventory for condos in Pelham decreased significantly to just one unit, representing an 80% decrease compared to April 2022. The reduced inventory suggests limited options for buyers in the condo market.

Days on Market: 7 Days

The average number of days on the market for condos in April 2023 was seven. Unfortunately, we do not have data for the previous year to compare the change.

Months of Supply: 1.71 Months

The months of supply for condos dropped by 71.4% to 1.71 months in April 2023, indicating a potentially competitive market with a limited supply of condos.

Median Sale Price/SF: $360

The median sale price per square foot for condos in April 2023 was $360. Unfortunately, we do not have data for the previous year to compare the change.

Pelham Co-ops:

Unit Sales: 1 Units

The number of co-op unit sales in Pelham decreased by 50% to one unit in April 2023, compared to the previous year. This decline suggests a slowdown in co-op sales activity.

Median Sale Price: $115,500

The median sale price for co-ops in April 2023 was $115,500, representing a decrease of 33.4% compared to the same month in 2022.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

🏘️🏘️Exploring the White Plains Real Estate Market: An Analysis of Current Trends

 Real Estate Market for the City of White Plains, NY


The real estate market in White Plains, New York, has experienced some notable changes in recent times. In this blog post, we will delve into the data from April 2023 to gain insights into the current state of the market. We will analyze the sales of single-family homes, condominiums, and co-ops, along with key metrics such as median sale price, inventory levels, days on market, months of supply, and median sale price per square foot. Let's dive in!

Single-Family Homes Market

The sales of single-family homes in White Plains for April 2023 have seen a significant decline of 80.0% compared to April 2022. This decrease can be attributed to various factors such as changing buyer preferences and market dynamics. However, there is positive news regarding the median sale price, which stands at $957,500, reflecting an increase of 8.7% compared to the previous year. This rise suggests that despite the decrease in sales volume, the demand for single-family homes remains strong.

The current inventory of single-family homes in White Plains stands at 44, representing a decline of 8.3% compared to April 2022. With a relatively low inventory, potential buyers may face increased competition, which could contribute to the upward pressure on prices. The average days on market for single-family homes is 30, indicating a modest increase of 3.4% compared to the same period last year. This metric suggests that homes are staying on the market slightly longer, potentially offering buyers more time to explore their options.

The months of supply, a measure of how long it would take to sell the existing inventory at the current sales pace, stands at 2.22, reflecting an increase of 17.1% compared to April 2022. This rise suggests that the market is becoming more balanced, with a slight advantage for buyers. However, the median sale price per square foot has declined by 8.2% to $356, indicating that buyers are paying less per square foot compared to the previous year.

Condominium Market

The condominium market in White Plains has also experienced some fluctuations. The unit sales for April 2023 have decreased by 65.0% compared to the same month in 2022. This decline in sales volume could be due to various factors, including changing buyer preferences, economic conditions, or increased competition from other property types. However, there is positive news for sellers, as the median sale price has increased by 12.6% to $449,999, suggesting that demand for condominiums remains strong despite the decrease in sales.

The inventory of condominiums in White Plains currently stands at 40 units, representing a significant decrease of 32.2% compared to April 2022. The lower inventory levels might contribute to increased competition among potential buyers. The average days on market for condominiums is 78, which indicates a notable increase of 32.2% compared to the previous year. This increase suggests that condominiums are taking longer to sell, providing potential buyers with more time to consider their options.

The months of supply for condominiums stand at 2.79, indicating a decrease of 10.5% compared to April 2022. This decrease suggests a slightly tighter market, potentially favoring sellers. Moreover, the median sale price per square foot for condominiums has increased by 15.4% to $464, indicating that buyers are paying more per square foot compared to the previous year.

Co-op Sales Market

The co-op sales market in White Plains has also witnessed some changes. The unit sales for April 2023 have declined by 28.6% compared to April

🏘️🏘️Mamaroneck NY Real Estate Market Update: Single Family Homes, Condos, and Co-ops

 The Current Real Estate Market in Mamaroneck, New York

Buying and Selling in Mamaroneck

The real estate market in Mamaroneck, NY, has experienced notable changes in April 2023. This blog post provides an overview of the current state of the market, focusing on single-family homes, condos, and co-ops. We will analyze key data points, such as sales volume, median sale prices, inventory levels, days on market, absorption rates, and price per square foot. Let's delve into the details and understand the trends in Mamaroneck's real estate market.

Single Family Homes

In April 2023, the number of single-family homes sold in Mamaroneck decreased significantly, with only seven homes sold. This represents a decline of 65% compared to the same period in 2022. The median sales price for single-family homes also experienced a notable decrease, down 21.7% to $1,575,000. The current inventory stands at 25 houses, reflecting a 56.1% decrease compared to April 2022.

Interestingly, the average time a house spends on the market has decreased significantly, down 63.0% to just 10 days. This indicates that single-family homes in Mamaroneck are in high demand, as buyers quickly snatch up available properties. The absorption rate, which measures the number of months it would take to sell the current inventory at the current sales pace, stands at 1.23 months. This represents a 40.8% decrease compared to April 2022, indicating a faster-paced market.

Moreover, the median sale price per square foot for single-family homes in Mamaroneck has increased by 2.9% compared to April 2022, reaching $615. This suggests that despite the decline in overall median sale prices, there is still some appreciation in the value of each square foot of single-family homes.

Mamaroneck Condos

In April 2023, only two condos were sold in Mamaroneck, marking a 50.0% decline compared to the same period in 2022. However, the median sale price for condos experienced a positive trend, increasing by 16.5% to $586,000. The current inventory of condos stands at eight units, representing a significant 57.9% decrease compared to April 2022.

The average number of days a condo spends on the market has decreased substantially, down 89.0% to 18 days. This indicates a highly competitive market for condos in Mamaroneck, with buyers acting swiftly to secure their desired units. The absorption rate for condos stands at 1.96 months, down 39.8% compared to April 2022.

Furthermore, the median sale price per square foot for condos has increased by 7.4% compared to April 2022, reaching $521. This suggests that condos in Mamaroneck are becoming more valuable on a per-square-foot basis.

Mamaroneck Co-ops

The number of co-op unit sales in Mamaroneck experienced a significant decline, with only six units sold in April 2023. This represents a 57.1% decrease compared to the same period in 2022. The median sale price for co-ops also decreased by 21.4% to $212,500. The current inventory of co-ops stands at 16 units, reflecting a 51.5% decrease compared to April 2022.

The average number of days a co-op spends on the market has decreased slightly, down 3.5% to 83 days. The absorption rate for co-ops stands at 2.29 months, down

Friday, May 12, 2023

🏡The Current Real Estate Market in New Rochelle, NY

 🏡Queen City By The Sound: Real Estate                 Update!

The New Rochelle Market Update.

New Rochelle, a beautiful city located in Westchester County, New York, has always been an attractive destination for homebuyers and investors. As of April 2023, the real estate market in New Rochelle has experienced some interesting trends across different property types. In this blog post, we will delve into the data regarding single-family homes, condos, and co-ops, shedding light on the current state of the market.

Single-Family Homes:

Starting with single-family homes, we observe that 15 units were sold in April 2023. While this represents a decrease of 37% compared to the previous year, it is important to consider the various factors that might have influenced this decline. Market fluctuations, economic conditions, and buyer preferences can all play a role in shaping sales numbers.

Another noteworthy figure is the median sales price for single-family homes, which stands at $732,600. This indicates a decrease of 18.0% compared to the previous year. It is worth investigating the underlying factors contributing to this decline, such as changes in buyer demand, inventory levels, and market competition.

As of May 2023, there are 63 single-family homes currently on the market in New Rochelle. This inventory offers prospective buyers a variety of options to choose from, allowing them to find a home that suits their preferences and budget.

New Rochelle Condos:

Moving on to condos in New Rochelle, the data shows that 2 units were sold in April. While this might seem like a relatively small number, it is essential to analyze it within the broader context of the market. The average price for condos in April 2023 was $526,000, representing a decrease of 10% compared to the previous year. This decline in prices might be indicative of shifting market dynamics or changes in buyer preferences.

Currently, there are 15 condos available on the market. With an average listing duration of 114 days, these units seem to have slightly longer selling periods than in previous years. This could be a reflection of increased competition or a shift in buyer demand.

One important metric to consider when assessing the condo market is the months supply of units. At 3.46 months, the market is considered balanced, neither favoring buyers nor sellers. This figure provides insight into the overall supply-demand dynamics, indicating whether the market is more inclined towards a buyer's market or a seller's market. Additionally, the median sales price per square foot is $393, suggesting the price range for condos in New Rochelle.

Co-ops in New Rochelle:

Lastly, let's take a look at the co-op market in New Rochelle. In April 2023, 15 co-op units were sold, showcasing a snapshot of buyer activity in this segment. The median sales price for co-ops was $206,000, which can serve as a reference point for potential buyers or sellers.

As of May 2023, there are currently 49 co-op units on the market. These units have an average listing duration of 118 days, indicating a similar trend observed in the condo market. It is crucial to consider the reasons behind this relatively longer selling period, such as market conditions or specific characteristics of co-op properties.

The months supply for co-ops in New Rochelle stands at 4.06 months. This figure suggests that the market leans slightly towards buyers, providing them with more options and negotiating power. Additionally, the median sales price per square foot is $233, giving buyers and sellers an idea of the prevailing price range in this segment.

If you have a real estate need with buying a home, selling a home or finding an investment please reach out to me!

My Video Introduction

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

🧹It Is Time for Spring Cleaning

 🧹The Big Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is a thorough and refreshing task that helps us declutter and revitalize our living spaces. However, it's not uncommon to overlook certain spots due to familiarity and daily use. To ensure your spring cleaning is truly comprehensive, here are some often-missed tasks that deserve your attention:

Clean and Inspect Your Vacuum

While vacuuming may seem like a cleaning task in itself, neglecting the maintenance of your vacuum can undermine your efforts. A dirty and clogged vacuum can release unpleasant odors and diminish its cleaning effectiveness. Take the time to clean it properly by following these steps:

Change the bag or empty and wash the bagless container with a soapy damp rag.

Wipe down the entire vacuum, including the handle and attachments.

Remove debris from the brushes and thoroughly clean the underside.

Don't forget to change the filter and inspect the hose for any holes or blockages.

Remember, this applies not only to your regular vacuum but also to wet/dry and handheld vacuums if you have them.

Clean the Undersides of Surfaces

It's easy to overlook the bottoms and underside edges of surfaces such as dining tables, kitchen countertops, and high-chair trays. Over time, these areas can accumulate stickiness and grime. While cleaning the visible surfaces, take a moment to address these hidden spots as well. Additionally, if your table has leaves, be sure to wipe down the cracks thoroughly to eliminate any mystery gunk that might have collected there.

Dispose of Dried-Out Paints, Adhesives, Etc.

As part of your spring cleaning, consider getting rid of dried-out cans of adhesives, varnishes, paints, and finishes that are taking up space in your storage or DIY workspace. Check if your city or county organizes a spring toxic waste disposal event and plan your cleaning activities accordingly. By responsibly disposing of these items, you can declutter and create a more organized and efficient workspace for future projects.

Pitch Outdated Pantry Staples

While sorting through your pantry, pay attention to items that have exceeded their expiration dates. Staples like flour, vinegar, and sauces can lose flavor and freshness over time. Similarly, any items containing oil, such as nuts, may become rancid. To enhance the taste of your recipes, it's advisable to replace these expired pantry staples. Additionally, consider replacing any dried spices that have been open for longer than a year. To ensure a fresh supply of spices, consider purchasing smaller portions from stores that offer bulk spices.

Clean the Crevices in Kitchen Appliances

Even with regular wiping, appliances can accumulate crumbs and gunk in hard-to-reach areas. Take a closer look at your kitchen appliances, such as stovetops, ranges, and dishwashers. Use a combination of baking soda and soapy water to clean the nooks and crannies, and employ an old toothbrush to reach into crevices. By thoroughly cleaning these hidden areas, you can maintain a hygienic and visually appealing kitchen.

Give Houseplants a Shower (and Clean the Spots Where They Live)

Houseplants not only provide a touch of nature but can also accumulate dust and dirt over time. Take the opportunity to give your plants a refreshing shower outside on a drizzly day. Afterward, focus on the spots where they reside, such as the floor, shelf, or countertop. Clean the surrounding walls and baseboards as well, as moisture or dirt may have seeped out from cracked pots or excessive watering. By caring for your houseplants and their surroundings, you create a healthier and more vibrant indoor environment.

Sanitize Trash Cans

Trash cans can harbor unpleasant odors and hidden crumbs from spills or leaks.

Monday, May 1, 2023

🌇Summary of FACTs about US Renters-


Facts about US Renters

I just read this article by Rebecca Leppert from Pew Research.  You can read the full article here.

10 Facts about US Renters During the Pandemic

Article Summary:

The article from Pew Research Center focuses on the housing issues faced by renters in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Census Bureau's American Housing Survey data was analyzed to provide the following key findings: 

1) 46 million households rented their homes in 2021, accounting for more than a third of all households in the US; 

2) A disproportionately large percentage of renters were Black or Hispanic, and younger than 45; 

3) Renters tended to live with at least one other person, with two-bedroom arrangements being the most common;

 4) The median household income for renters was $41,000 in 2021, compared with $78,000 for homeowners; 

5) The median monthly cost of rent alone increased 12% since before the pandemic; 

6) Some metropolitan areas saw significant rent increases, with San Francisco having the highest median monthly rent; and 

7) Around one-in-six U.S. adults had problems paying their rent or mortgage during the pandemic, with Black and Hispanic adults and lower-income Americans being more likely to face this issue.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

🏡🏡The Current Real Estate Market in Westchester County, NY

If you are thinking of selling- Now is the Time to Sell Your Home for Top Dollar

What is the State of the Current Market?

Are you considering buying or selling a home in Westchester County? It's important to keep up with the latest trends in the real estate market to make informed decisions. In this blog post, we've covered the most recent data on prices, time on the market, months of supply, and buyer demand.

Firstly, the average price of all types of residences in Westchester County has increased by 3.0% this year, with an average price of $847,000. This suggests that if you're looking to sell your home in the area, you may be able to get a higher price than you would have a year ago.

Secondly, the average days a home is on the market has decreased by 13%, now at 47 days. This indicates that there is high buyer demand for homes in the area, with more people looking to buy than there are homes available.

Thirdly, the months of supply for homes in Westchester County is 2.7 months, indicating that the market is currently favoring sellers. If no new homes were put on the market, it would take 2.7 months for all the current homes to be sold.

Finally, the high demand from buyers is demonstrated by each active listing having an average of 6.4% showings per listing over the past year. This is likely due to the low interest rates that are currently available, making it more affordable for people to purchase a home.

In conclusion, the Westchester County real estate market is currently favorable for sellers due to high buyer demand and limited supply. If you're thinking about buying or selling a home in the area, now might be the right time to take action. It's always recommended to work with a reputable real estate agent who can provide valuable guidance and advice throughout the process. Thanks for reading, and we hope this information has been helpful in your decision-making process.

If you go to The Money Pages on this Blog you will see the current Market information on all towns in Westchester County.  THE MONEY PAGE

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

How Feng Shui Can Help you Sell your Home for Top Dollar

Feng Shui and Your Home

Feng Shui is an ancient practice that can create a sense of harmony in any living space, whether you're buying, selling or simply residing in your home. When purchasing a new home, people often want to envision themselves living in the space, while sellers want to attract the right buyer. By incorporating Feng Shui principles, you can enhance your real estate intentions by generating positive energy and experiencing optimal results.

Feng Shui involves the art of placement and combines design psychology with Eastern philosophy. Its goal is to achieve balance, harmony and good fortune in daily life, resulting in intentional interior design. This practical approach can help you achieve various goals, such as increasing wealth, improving health, or enhancing your love life.

If you're interested in using Feng Shui for real estate, the Bagua map is an essential tool. This map helps correlate aspects of your life with areas of your home, similar to a house map. By focusing on two areas at a time, you can observe changes in your life or environment over a 30-day cycle of the moon.

To use the Bagua map, overlay it on the footprint of your home and ensure the building or space is contained within it. Stand at the front door while holding the map, and note that the entrance is typically located at the bottom of the map in one of three areas: Knowledge, Career or Helpful People. Some entrances may be situated in non-traditional areas, so consulting a trained expert can be helpful.

The Bagua map has different areas that correspond to various aspects of your life, including Wealth & Prosperity, Fame & Reputation, Love & Relationships, Helpful People & Travel, Career, Knowledge & Self-Cultivation, and the Center. By focusing on these areas, you can improve finances, generate more cash flow, enhance your reputation, enrich your relationships, attract more clients, and center yourself.

Feng Shui principles aren't limited to your home. You can also incorporate them into your landscape or work environment, using various remedies to achieve your desired outcome.

If you have any questions about Real Estate in Westchester County, please reach out to me at (914)755-9816.


What are Unrealized Taxes on Real Estate Gains

  Unrealized Gains in Real Estate Unrealized gains in real estate refer to the increase in the value of a property you own but have not yet ...