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Showing posts with label Renting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Renting. Show all posts

Monday, May 1, 2023

🌇Summary of FACTs about US Renters-


Facts about US Renters

I just read this article by Rebecca Leppert from Pew Research.  You can read the full article here.

10 Facts about US Renters During the Pandemic

Article Summary:

The article from Pew Research Center focuses on the housing issues faced by renters in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Census Bureau's American Housing Survey data was analyzed to provide the following key findings: 

1) 46 million households rented their homes in 2021, accounting for more than a third of all households in the US; 

2) A disproportionately large percentage of renters were Black or Hispanic, and younger than 45; 

3) Renters tended to live with at least one other person, with two-bedroom arrangements being the most common;

 4) The median household income for renters was $41,000 in 2021, compared with $78,000 for homeowners; 

5) The median monthly cost of rent alone increased 12% since before the pandemic; 

6) Some metropolitan areas saw significant rent increases, with San Francisco having the highest median monthly rent; and 

7) Around one-in-six U.S. adults had problems paying their rent or mortgage during the pandemic, with Black and Hispanic adults and lower-income Americans being more likely to face this issue.

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