Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Is it worth getting your home Pre-Inspected Prior to Selling it?

 Is a House Pre-Inspection Worth it?

If you are thinking of selling your house, consider getting a pre-listing inspection for your home before putting it on the market, regardless of its apparent condition. A pre-listing inspection can help identify any issues that might need repair, and prevent any surprises during the buyer's inspection. By doing this, you can avoid losing a sale or incurring costly repairs later on. For example, a home seller of mine in Mamaroneck who had a pre-listing inspection done found out that their house had high levels of radon in the basement, a common issue in the neighborhood. They were able to address the problem before putting the house on the market, and the buyer used their pre-inspection instead of conducting a new one.

To find a qualified inspector, you can ask your agent or trusted acquaintances for recommendations or consult the American Society of House Inspectors website. When selecting an inspector, compare fees and the scope of the inspection, and ask for references. If the inspection identifies any issues, be sure to either fix them or disclose them to potential buyers to avoid legal issues or financial liabilities. Taking proactive measures to inspect and address any problems with your home can help ensure a successful and smooth sale.

If you have a Real Estate need with buying, or selling call me at (914)755-9816.  If you would like an idea of the value of your home please click my Quick Home Estimate  There is never any obligation on your part to use this free service.

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